hello happi new year beybi
Hi beautiful whats up bae.p i missd you sweetie

Yea my bbe sis hows you love💾 📺 📠🔔 👃
Thank u sir but it's not verified yettt..... =(
Account Verification
Help OS to eliminate fake accounts, verify your account now! The process is simple, just use your phone to text/sms in a secret code to OwnSkin phone!
Start verification
Please use your phone and text/sms this code 345915 to OwnSkin phone +6582215569. Note that one phone number can only use to verify one OS account.
We are in the process of verifiying your account. Please refresh this page 1 minute later. If this process take longer than 5 minutes, you may like to restart your verification process
(Ok thats an exaggeration, but....)
need help to verify my account(: cuz it's seriously tad bit..............complicated for me! #pissedoff