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12 years ago

accha huu bhai

tere toh ab sab rangin

sab thik h na

12 years ago


'!••► we all beautiful ◄••!

For we’re all God’s wonderful creature...!!
He made some big and some small,
Some are young and some are old,
Some are white and some are black,
Some are short and some are tall,
No matter where you come from too,
Whatever the colour of your hair and eyes,
Or the shape of your head and nose,
God made it so and we are all beautiful...!
We’re made in God’s image- that’s cool...!!
Whichever language you do speak,
It doesn’t even matter what you look like,
God loves you for...

••► we are all beautiful ◄••’!!!

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Beautiful Evening 2
My Beautiful Friend
kaha h tuuuuuu


12 years ago
Hw r u afzal

good evening
12 years ago


12 years ago


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'People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.
Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.

friendship 68a ">" border="0"/>
love 165a ">" border="0"/>
motivational 227a ">" border="0"/>

Good or Bad, Life is full of things to appreciate..
From sadness, we appreciate happiness…
From mistakes, we appreciate experience….
From friends, we appreciate laughter…
From love, we appreciate companionship….
From Faith, we appreciate God..and
From all the above, we appreciate growth...

miss you 31a ">" border="0"/>

12 years ago

Every Day
May Not Be
G o o d


There's Something
G o o d
In Everyday

G o o d
M o R n I n G ((

Have A Blessed Day
12 years ago
hi how are you<br />hello, how are you Orkut Scraps, Comments, Images<br />More Beautiful Orkut Scraps" border="0"/>
Flower Scraps<br />Flower Orkut Scraps, Glitter Graphics, Comments for Myspace, Facebook, Orkut<br />Get More Pictures for Orkut at Scrapsplanet" border="0"/>
Flower Scraps<br />Flower Orkut Scraps, Glitter Graphics, Comments for Myspace, Facebook, Orkut<br />Get More Pictures for Orkut at Scrapsplanet" border="0"/>
12 years ago
Wishing u a happy journey into the world of dreams..

. Good Night!
12 years ago


">" border="0"/>
Don't let your smile
collapse for silly reasons.

">" border="0"/>
Why do we let the silliest things get to us?
Why do we continue to let our smiles disappear for the silliest of reasons?
In life our most valuable asset is our time,
because our time is something we can never get back.
Many times we choose to treat this valuable resource as street litter,
or waste, instead of valuing each minute we spend,
and trying to live as happily as possible along the way.

">" border="0"/>
During the hard times, during the pain,
stay humble, stay confident, stay polished,
stay joyous. Stay smiling....

">" border="0"/>
Don't let your smile
collapse for silly reasons.

Lookthis">" border="0"/>this is my smile

12 years ago

╰♡╮ ☆。◕‿◕。。◕‿◕。☆ ╰♡╮

In a school ,,,,,science class ,,,,,,
four worms were placed into fourseparate jars.
The first worm was put into a jar of...alcohol...
The second worm was put into a jar ...of cigarette smoke...
The third worm was put into a jar of ...sperm...
The fourth worm was put into a jar ...of soil...
After one day, these were the ...results:
The first worm in alcohol — dead.
The second worm in cigarette smoke — dead.
The third worm in sperm — dead.
The fourth worm in soil — alive.
">" border="0"/>

So the science teacher asked the
class — “What can you learn from
this experiment.” ?
">" border="0"/>

Little Johnny quickly raised his hand and said.
“As long as you drink, smoke and
have sex, you won’t have worms inside u.”
">" border="0"/>

Why complicate life ?
1. Missing somebody – call
2. Wanna meet up – Invite
3. Wanna be understood – Explain
4. Have questions – Ask
5. Don’t like something – speak up
6. Look something – share it
7. Want something – Ask for it
8. Love someone – tell them
we only have one life.keep it simple & meaningful.
">" border="0"/>

╰♡╮ ☆。◕‿◕。。◕‿◕。☆ ╰♡╮

12 years ago

When Ants crawl up the wall.
No Matter how Busy they are
They Still Stop 'n Communicate with Each Other
Hope we will be like them,
Busy but in touch Always..

!! Good night..!!

12 years ago

Life Is Like A Book
Turn Over The
Pages Day By Day?.

You Can Find New
Experience Everyday.

So Enjoy Ur Life With New Experience.

Good Morning

12 years ago

A Rabbit Runs,Jumps
& Lives Only For 15 yrs.

While a Turtle Doesn't Run
Does Nothing.
Yet lives for 300 yrs.

Exercise Is Hell
Just Sleep Well..;)

12 years ago

Best msg for the DAY
If You Can, Help Others.......
If You Cannot Do That,
At least Do Not Harm Them....

Good Morning

Have Nice Day (:
12 years ago
I Cried When I Failed In 2 Subjects
I Cried When I Failed In 2 Subjects
... .
I Smiled When I Came To Know My Friend Failed In 5 Subjects

I Love My Friend
12 years ago
Flowerful morning
Colorful noon
Joyful evening
Peaceful night !!

Be happy
It going to be
A fantastic day 4 u
12 years ago
A Baggar Found Rs. 100

He Went To A 5 Star Hotel For Dinner..

Bill Rs. 3000

He was unable to pay..!!

Manager Handed Him To Police..!!

He Gave 100rs To Police & Free..!!

12 years ago

See how beautifully
God has added one
More day in your life

Not necessarily bcoz
You need it
But because
Someone else
Might need “u”

Good Morning
12 years ago

A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing,
Either Cloudy or Sunny.

It stands for Hope,
giving us another start
of what we call Life.

Have a Good Morning
& Good Day
12 years ago

مركز تحميل الصور
Bindas sone ka,
Rapchik sapne dekhne ka,

Bhoot ko nahi dekhne ka,

Boleto… Aina nahi dekhne ka,

Aur blanket odh ke fultus so jane ka,

Boleto Good Night.
مركز تحميل الصور
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