Care for the one who shares with you, Share with the one who knows you, Know the one who misses you, MISS the one who well wishes for you, Wish you a very Good Luck! Good morning friend with loveFaizan
God Bless My Friends Increase Their Joy Turn Their Labour To Favour Fill Their Life With Love And Happiness. May Each New Day Renew Our Trust In U And In Ourselves. Amen
GOD is so wise, he didn't create FRIENDS with price tags because if He did, I couldn't afford YOU!!! Happy Friendship Day ! Crazy days and screwed up nights,
Tons of Crushes and stupid fights,
Secrets we will take to the grave,
Pictures we will forever save.
Through thick and thin,
Always true.
Friends forever,
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Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth, but in having friend like you a precious gift from God.
Life is only traveled once; today's moment becomes tomorrow's memory. Njoy every moment, gud or bad, coz the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself. ...Have a nice day......
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care and enjoy the day. Good morning friend wish fromFaizan