Frndship is not just a word!

Nt only a relationship

Its A silent promise which says



A friend like you is hard to find,
one that touches you deep inside.
You've given me strength to carry on,
you've offered your hand to hold on.
When times are tough, I know your there,
To offer support and show you care.
If not for you I would have drowned,
but you help me keep on solid ground.
I believe you were sent from the man above,
because he knows the strength of your love.
You show that love in so many ways,
It helps me get through my darkest of days.
So for that I write this poem for you,
and tell you from my heart THANKYOU!!!
God Sent Me You At A Moment In My Life
When He Knew I Needed A Companion
Only He Knew Who Was Best For Me
And Knew Everyplace I Had Been
Only God Could Give Such A Precious Thing
As The Gift Of A Companion Like You
I Pray Everyday As Our Companionship Grows
That You'll Let Me Be There For You
I'll Ask The Lord To Soothe You
On Days You're Feeling Blue
And When Those Tears Are In Your Eyes
He'll Wipe Away Those Too
I'm Sure That It Was The Hand Of God
Who Placed Us Two Together
I'll Pray To Him Everyday
That We Remain Best Buddies Forever
ok bye chachi...i have 2 go plz .,cu next time,tc.
m f9.... What abt u chachi ji,
ok u happy m also happy ok lets enjoy...ur sweet life...
w/salam my cute chachi...howz u
same here chachi...why u busy these days.
No sweet thought to forward, no cute graphics to send. Just a'Caring Heart'saying,'Take Care!'Miss U!
my chachi....Assalamualiakum...mis u much chachi.
Don't worry me replys also too late

I m also fyn

and so bzy

where u i talk u before a long time